Sunday, October 26, 2014

Motherhood and Nutrition

Hi all,  

I am writing to you from personal experience and a place of gratitude. I am a new mother. Wow! you may say. But everything is new to me. And this is a stirring reminder that life is quite a dynamic experience. Each day is new, and with it different occurrences. 

Since becoming a mother who holds exclusive breastfeeding near and dear to her heart, I have realised that of all the nutrients,  water is my 'bestest' friend.  When my baby was born, I was unable to breastfeed her fully and satisfy her needs. Why? I was dehydrated. So there I was with a crying baby, and not enough milk, bawling my eyes out. I was super thankful to the nurses and my doctor who tended to us and encouraged me to up my water intake. Not once saying,  maybe you should try a different source of nutrition for your baby. I am glad I didn't give up too. I immediately requested juices and water as gifts while in hospital.

 I spent the next couple of days putting baby to breast while drinking fluids, until one morning my breasts got to the size of two Julie mangoes.  My breasts were filled with an abundant supply of milk! And who was on cloud nine?  Me. So excited was I, that I woke my baby up and fed her. She was satisfied and slept for four hours.  I would like to suggest getting a clean igloo with water to place in your room by your nursing area, so you can hydrate even while breastfeeding. It saves trips to the kitchen and gives more time with baby.

Secondary to water, is proper meals. I can't stress enough how important it is to eat well. As women,  who have just delivered a baby, eating well to heal, make breast milk and provide energy for daily activities should be the focus.  I was lucky enough to have my family around to cook for me in the early days. But if you are not able to be with family,  have your significant other help with meal preparation or cook and store in small batches so it is easier to reheat. 

Sandwiches or cream soups are quick and easy to make and consume but once made with quality ingredients with all food groups represented,  the nutrition pay off is great.  Porridge is excellent in the morning. I hated porridge, but the Jamaican mothers say this make your milk come in. And come in my milk did. Lol! Also,  I strongly suggest continuing to take your prenatal vitamins or use multivitamins. This will fill any gaps as some meals may not be had. I'm sure you know why.

As time progressed, I realised that baby had to get immunizations which sometimes make her fussy. She became colicky and the only solution to relax is to walk with her and rock her. My point? If I hadn't been eating well, I wouldn't be able to have the energy to comfort her. As mothers we need to take care of ourselves first,  so that our children will have ALL of us present when we interact with them.

Motherhood is rewarding. I am just 7 months in but I can tell. However,  it's an experience you will never forget once mother AND child have wellness. 

Live and love,

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